27 December 2022

On "Russian Kwanzaa," A Commentary on WSJ Article: "This Christmas, Many Christians in Ukraine Turn Away From Russia"

In the past, I have used the snide label "Russian Kwanzaa" to refer to Ukrainian nationalism (Ukrainianism.)  And here we have a western media article on just that: Russian Kwanzaa.  

Ukrainian nationalists are creating new Christmas traditions in order to invent another difference with Russia.  Although it was not the intention of the author, this article shows how Ukrainian nationalists are perpetually inventing their nation. They cut off their nose to spite their face.

Link to article: 
Does anyone ask the question:   If Ukraine is a real, authentic nation, with a long history as a nation, distinct from Russia, why is it that Ukrainian nationalists are always changing things that are traditional for their lands to eliminate commonalities with Russians?

Key takeaways in the article

-Celebrating Christmas on January 7th is the tradition in what is now called Ukraine, from ancient times.  It has been celebrated on the January 7th Old Calendar date since 988AD.  Even the Uniates, the primary inventors and super-spreaders of Ukrainianism celebrate on January 7th.  Switching to the New Calendar date of December 25th is an innovation.  This isn't traditional in Ukraine!  Just another forced change to invent a difference with Russia.

-It is noteworthy what Datskiv says about the Russian language.  It dominated Kiev long before the Soviets.  And in fact, Kiev was a Russophile city before the Soviets took over.  Not only linguistically, but nationalistically.  The intellectual circles of St. Petersburg likely had more Ukrainianists than Kiev.

-Datskiv says they're "saving themselves through their traditions" but in fact there are few traditions here.  This article, and everything else about Ukrainian nationalism, is about deliberately inventing a new culture.  They're denying the real culture, the real traditions, and then pretending that this is traditional.  It is like if American civil war reenactors were to carry around MP-40s.

-The villagers in Mali Dmytrovychi, mentioned about 3/4 of the way down, ousted a real Orthodox priest so that they could replace him with a schismatic.  They shoved away the Holy Spirit so that they could have their Ukrainianism; an idea pushed by the heterodox inside and outside of Ukraine.  

-The schismatic "priest" Volodymyr, talks about how he is delaying the switch to the western date of Christmas on account of the elderly.  Yet again, this shows the newness of Ukrainianism, including the "renovated" Liturgics and customs of the OCU and other Ukrainian nationalist religious bodies.  This proves how Ukrainianism is essentially the invention of differences with Russia.  

-Anna Datskiv's surname:  "Datskiv" is a Ukrainification of the Great Russian (Muscovite) surname "Datskov."  What this means, is that she or her husband had ancestors who lived in the Tsardom of Muscovy in the east, and at some point after 1654, an ancestor moved from there to Little Russia.  Every day when she puts on and takes off her make up, she is looking at a "Moskal," or the wife of a Moskal, in the mirror.  (Moskal is the N-word for a Muscovite that Ukrainianists use.)  What Ukrainianists do, is they convert every Russian and Surzhyk word into Ukrainian, a modern, contrived, literary language invented by nationalists to create differences with Russia.  One aspect of conversion is, they take words with the letter "o" and "e" and change it to "i."  Hence "Kiev" (Киев) the true, ancient, traditional name of the Mother of Russian Cities, gets changed to the modern "Kyiv" (Київ).  The "y" in "Kyiv" is just an alternative transliteration into English.
 Sadly, most western media consumers will miss these points.